On Thursday and Friday we spent quite a bit of time visiting relatives. We did a lot of driving, but we saw all the Brock cousins, and the Ironwood cousins (Lee’s cousin’s children), Lee’s Aunt and Uncle and Great Grandma. The children have enjoyed playing with them all. We also managed to squeeze in a visit to the La Brea Tar Pits and a play at the Ironwood cousin’s school.
We do this because we have godly relatives. It’s a sacrifice that we’re willing to make because getting to know them is of importance to us. They pray for us and our children.
This morning we’re a little sleepy! Today or tomorrow we’ll be driving back to New Mexico, so we’ll see how things go.
Right now I need to go help my mom make breakfast. More relationships that I’m thankful for.
Sometimes people are sad because they don’t have a Christian heritage, but they forget that they can be the beginning of a heritage. Our parents and grandparents spent many hours of investment in God’s Word. I am challenged with the same need to do so.
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