I’ve been challenged once again to think about the relationship between our dependence on other believers and our dependence on God. Both are present in the Bible, and both are important for us mothers to cultivate.
I have many questions forming in my mind. Are we talking about the same kind of dependence? Do the areas of dependence overlap, or should they? How do we evaluate whether out dependence on other believers is supplanting dependence on God? How can mentors instill a biblical dependence (on God and others) in the lives of those they disciple? How do we guard against pridefully resisting accountability and dependence on other believers, while we emphasize the need for growing dependence on God? Where does a mother find the confidence to make wise decisions for her family? Should she be confident at all, unless she has first consulted a variety of mentors and counselors?
Guess we should open the Book of Books for the answers to our questions. Where should I start my treasure hunt this time? I think I’m going to begin in the book of Proverbs. Lee is gone, the children are sleeping, so I have some time to enjoy my reading. I know this isn’t very focussed (I’m not starting with a look into a topical Bible, or a concordance, or a commentary), but since I like Proverbs, I’ll enjoy myself this afternoon and I might find more direction as I read and think.