Wednesday is the day I challenge myself to think about what I’m doing differently this week because of what I’m reading or meditating on. Since the application of Scripture is how Jesus defines wisdom, I call this day Wisdom Wednesday.
The scripture that has been driving me to action this week is I Corinthians 13, in particular– love seeketh not her own. This is why I got up early with Lee this morning even as I started thinking “Ugh, 5:00 feels just like 4:30. I don’t want to get up.” I had to finish by reminding myself that love does not seek her own comfort and interests. I got up because of God’s grace working in my heart. As Lee left, I told him, “I really like getting up with you in the morning.” I meant it! I’m a morning person, and I’m thrilled that I’ve got a load of laundry and dinner started already. Even knowing this, it’s been hard this last week to get up at 4:30 with Lee, and harder to use that time wisely. I didn’t always do that.
The other night I was drawing a bath for Laurel, and I added a little shampoo in the water to make bubbles. Laurel welled up with joy, “Oh mama, that was so loving of you. I love bubbles. Thank you!”
What struck me was that if you had asked Laurel at that moment, “How do you know your mama loves you?” she would likely have included this event. But it didn’t cost me anything– no sacrifice, no thought really. It got me to thinking how little things we do for our children say I love you. I need to do more of this, and I really need to do it more deliberately.
I realize that biblical love looks different from family to family, but the motivation is always the same.
How has Scripture actually changed you this week?
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