I have been praying that God would help me know ways that I can teach my children to delight in God’s Word, and I’ve been watching for his answer. Have you been praying, too?
I’ve spent time thinking about the things I enjoyed about the Bible as a child. I loved the funny stories: wheels falling off the Egyptians chariots in the middle of the red sea, Eutychus falling asleep during Paul’s long sermon and falling out the window. I loved reading about the Benjamites who were left handed like me, and the relatives of Goliath who had 12 fingers and toes. I enjoyed reading about things that God delights in: the prayers of the upright– those who deal truthfully. I enjoyed reading about children like me– Rhoda who saw God answer prayer but couldn’t make any of the adults listen to her! The little boy who shared his lunch. The slave girl who told her mistress about someone who could heal her husband.
Thinking about some of these things I enjoyed was partly why I encouraged David when he started highlighting bird verses in his Bible awhile back. I wasn’t worried that some of the verses tell him little about God, and less about how to behave. My goal is for him to delight in God’s Word.
Events like this one aren’t daily occurrences in our house. My children are willing enough to read the Bible when I ask them to, but I wouldn’t say that they delight in God’s Word. I’d be happy for them to just delight in a few verses! So I have been praying. I’ve been thinking about helping them find verses that they will delight in.
A few weeks ago, Bethel found some cards that a Christian company printed with animals and character qualities on them. I mentioned to her that she could make her own, with Bible verses that she picked out on them. So I opened a word file with a business card template, showed her how to search for Microsoft clipart, opened up biblegateway.com, and let her go to work. I gave some suggestions for Bible verses to fit her topics. They turned out beautiful.
Today I asked David if he wanted to make some bird cards. I opened a new file with the business card template, and showed him how to paste his bird photographs in one side, and a bird Bible verse on the other. He is really excited about giving a set of these bird cards as a gift.
I wasn’t just helping them find something to do. I was fascinated to see Bethel’s choices of topics that she wanted to cover (like self control, enthusiasm, and gentleness). As I sat tonight and looked at their works in progress, I realized that these cards are very much the beginning of an answer to prayer.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:2-3
wonderful idea! I struggle here not knowing how to inspire my kids to read the Bible, enjoy it and not dread it.
Gab– Me too! I’ve been having a big shift in my thinking from big picture (getting my kids to read the Bible) to small picture (finding a limited number of passages that they enjoy). When I consider how often my children like repetition in the things they enjoy, it makes sense that they are responding to this approach.
What a great idea, Michelle!! 🙂 Thank you for sharing. I always appreciate your thoughts.