We’re right in the middle of moving. The house is in disarray, with piles of pictures in one corner, stacks of linens on the guest bed, and all the curtains taken down. We just got back from a 10-day trip to New Mexico to look for a house, during which we stayed in four different locations. Naptimes and mealtimes have been inconsistent (and sometimes nonexistent). Even for my flexible children, the changes have been stressful.
Both children are more clingy. They cry more easily, and fight more often. They disobey a little more and are often irrational. The tendency is (in the midst of our own stress) to be a little harsh. Stop being a baby! We don’t allow whining in this house, young man! Why are you so fussy?
Sometimes all they need is to be gathered up in mommy or daddy’s arms and held and rocked for a minute or two. This is when listening and looking for the reason behind behavior can be so helpful. They are surprisingly responsive to a little extra care.
It’s also a good time to talk about fear. The fear David feels when being dropped off at the nursery (uncharacteristic) is real. It gives us an opportunity to talk about his memory verses on fear, and to discuss what to do when we are afraid. We can pray with him and ask God to help him to be brave. We can tell him that God will never leave us nor forsake us. And we can remind him that even brave King David was afraid sometimes. When King David was afraid, he remembered that God will always take care of him.