Awhile back I was feeling despair for the evil in the world, overwhelmed at the challenges that face our children as they grow up. Actions and influences can set patterns in place that have lasting consequences. With trembling heart (only a little melodramatic), I decided I would take some time to look for resources on teaching purity to my son and daughters.
I googled my topic. I found a few cute websites, and I found a few picture books that seemed interesting but unsatisfying. I’ve seen them before. I saw materials for teenagers and adults that weren’t appropriate for children. I grew more anxious. I saw a danger but had no weapons to fight it with.
Then I came to myself. Google is a paltry substitute for the eternal truth. I asked myself, “Is there any place in the Bible that is devoted to teaching young people purity?” Then I pretty much hit my head for my ridiculous absentmindedness. There is such a place. King Solomon wrote the whole book of Proverbs for this purpose.
I wish I could communicate the relief and joy I felt as I opened my Bible to Proverbs. Wisdom is where I must start. It is the simple man who falls prey to the immoral woman. Wisdom will protect my children. I need it! They need it! How will a young man keep his way pure? By taking heed to the Word of God. Wisdom again.
I certainly didn’t get an easy book and written out lesson plan. I did get a battle strategy and hope. How will you will protect your children and equip them to face their battles as they grow older? King Solomon gives us a resource that far surpasses any picture book or cute activity. We must make learning wisdom and teaching wisdom a priority for our children in the coming years.