Welcome! My name is Michelle Brock.You may be new here because you’ve heard of or read one of my two books, the Topical Bible for Kids or Parenting with Mercy.
I am wife to Lee and mother to David, Bethel and Laurel. This blog is my attempt to share what I’m learning about the process of teaching my children about God. I am not sharing humorous stories of my children in hopes someone else will find them terribly interesting. My greatest desire as a mother is for my children to walk in the Truth of God’s Word, to know God, to love and glorify Him. It is this journey that I share here, not only for mothers, but also for anyone who wants to disciple children, or apply Scripture to their own individual circumstances. King David says “Come, ye children, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord!”
I grew up in a godly home, as did my husband. My mom has been my role model as a mother since I was little. We talked about childrearing even then! She realized that her instruction was time-released teaching, and she constantly pointed my brother and me back to the Word of God. Her thirst for wisdom has been a continual challenge to me, and I am thankful that God gave her to me. My dad likewise has modeled a hunger and thirst for the Word of God and righteousness. He is the one who took the time to pull out his Bible tools and teach us how to find the answers to our questions about the Bible. I never realized growing up the rare and precious heritage they gave as they sought to give the biblical “whys” for our lives.
We currently attend a Gospel preaching church in Hawaii, where my husband is stationed as a physician in the US Air Force. We are excited to be an active part of a local body of Christ with a desire to be thoroughly biblical in doctrine and practice.
I love when strangers and friends drop in and comment! I’d love for you to share how you’ve handled a similar situation, any additional Scriptures that would bear on the situation, or questions and concerns you may be thinking of. There’s no club you have to join to comment here, even if you disagree with me. I have actually found that disagreement helps me to think through my thoughts and actions better. May God grant me the grace to humbly admit my frailty and graciously share what God has been teaching me and my children.
I am super thankful to my husband Lee who has supplied the technological expertise for this blog. As well, most of what you see written here is a result of many delightful conversations we’ve had. I am thankful for his leadership in my life and in the lives of our children.
Awhile back my blog was hacked, and my data was nearly completely destroyed. I lost all of my tags, categories, permalinks (so links between posts are mostly broken, even though the post exists). Sadly, it happened at a time in our lives where neither my husband nor I could fix the blog. Our schedule is better now, and Lee and I are still fixing a lot of these problems, slowly.
Eventually I’ll have my children’s ages attached to each post. In the meantime, you can figure out their ages with their birthdates and the entry date.
David: June 2003
Bethel: December 2004
Laurel: October 2006
Joshua 24:15 But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.