If you have read the Jesus Storybook Bible, then you know the author and artist of Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing.
In all the reviews I’ve seen of this book, few people mention poetry. Even though nothing rhymes in this book, and the lines aren’t shortened for the most part, the words chosen are truly beautiful and poetic and true.
Lloyd-Jones is a gifted communicator to children.
This paragraph from pastor Tim Keller’s forward is crucial for understanding the value of this book: “Somehow, however, the experiential side of a relationship with God is often neglected, so that by the time children are teens, they are woefully lopsided– long on information, but short on experience of God’s presence.”
The affective side of Christianity is often neglected by people who are passionate about theology, not just by teachers of children, but by the adults themselves.
Sally Lloyd-Jones provides a remedy in poetic prose. She has a poet’s soul, and her words beautifully express the emotional, happy experience of a child learning to love his or her God, and biblical truth that delights and reassures us of God’s loving care. Her words are understandable by children, and so this is not just a children’s book that parents purchase because they want their children to learn the contents. It is designed to be used and enjoyed by children.
I love that Lloyd-Jones draws from Bible stories, stories from history and classic fiction, and memorable (and accessible) quotes from Christian giants of faith.
Although many people love artist Jago’s illustrations in the Jesus Storybook Bible, he has more room for creativity and interpretation in this book. The illustrations are warm and happy, and appreciated by my children.
I’ve been reading it aloud to my children. All of them love it. After I finish, they will enjoy it on their own. I’ve learned that children don’t tend to read devotional books on their own, but that they will reread what they have heard already and appreciated. Thankfully, there’s also an audiobook version for my children who would rather listen than read.
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