Happy Day, but lots to do.
Lee’s grandma passed away a little more than a week ago, so we flew to Oregon for the funeral and to spend time with our extended family. It was a good trip. As usual, I notice more clearly my own parenting faults when my children are in public more and I want them to behave. Being with family helps me to know better how to pray for them. Since Lee came home a few days before I did, I had the opportunity of traveling alone with my children. I noticed that I was more fearful of dealing with the rental car than any other part of the trip, only because I had never done it before. Other than struggling for 10 minutes to get the car seat out, it was easy. I need to remember this when I’m helping my children deal with fear of the unknown.
Come to think of it, God knew too, that I wouldn’t have to deal with the “advanced screeners” and pat-downs at the airport, something else I was worried about. Much to thank the Lord for.
Now we’re all home. There’s groceries to buy and laundry to do, school for the kids. Lee is on call tonight, so my day is longer than normal to get things done. First, I need to make my coffee and read my Bible.
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