Today at the grocery store, both my older children kept touching food (e.g., dropping expensive peaches and pinching holes in ground beef packages), whining about something or another, and asking for food items. My youngest kept standing in the seat and crying when she was buckled in. At the checkout, I was embarrassed because I couldn’t give my attention to paying for my food because I was having to give attention to all three children at once. David cried on the way home because Bethel wouldn’t give him a book. Bethel cried on the way home because she didn’t have her blanket. Laurel cried because she wanted to sleep.
Earlier, a mom I’m just getting to know was feeling embarrassed because her child was being rude and selfish. I assured her, my children are sinners, too. Yes, they fight. They don’t always obey, and they do have bad attitudes at times. I don’t have all the answers, and sometimes I really have no idea how to respond to them, but I’m seeking the Lord to find wisdom as I respond to their childishness and sinfulness.
Michelle, I have so been there…shopping trips like that are a real test of your patience. And it doesn’t make it any easier to have all three to deal with at once. But, it will get easier as they get older.
Glad it will get easier! I figure the grocery store is a good revealer of how they they will do in public situations, so I’m glad for the opportunity to see how they did. It’s just that seeing your own failures in public is a difficult one, even if they don’t always act like that. Next time I’d like to review with some role play and instruction.
I always did all the grocery shopping with all the kids. Joe worked long hours and didn’t want to waste the little time he was home by me leaving him to shop. But, about 2 years ago he went to Walmart on a quick errand and came home to tell me about the mom with 4 little one’s he had seen in the checkout line. He said that 3 of the kids were crying, one was snatching candy and all the other customers were rolling their eyes and sighing at the mom. Joe told me the whole thing and finished with, “until today I never realized that I did that to you…I am so sorry.” Great moment…we both had a laugh.