We have very friendly neighbors, including a number of pleasant children the same age as my own children (and a few years older). My children have enjoyed getting to know them, and spending time with them. I want to have a ministry to these neighbors. (Let your light so shine among men…) I also think it is good for our children to interact with unsaved children to some degree. However, my children have not made a profession of faith; so, I don’t have a desire for them to be “missionaries” at this point. Regardless, I believe it is biblical that their closest friends are “church friends.” The Bible has a lot to say about choosing friends. He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools will be destroyed… Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners….
That means they probably need to spend more time with church friends than neighbor friends.
- That means I have work to do, to get them together with church friends more often. It’s not always convenient, and it takes work, especially when I’m new to a place and just getting to know people.
- I also need to be deliberately teaching them what God’s Word says about friends. Maybe at breakfast I’ll start asking them to listen as I read a chapter in Proverbs and see if they can hear what King Solomon says about friends.
- This also means that I’ll probably join up with some home school groups. I tend to avoid big crowds and a lot of the home school culture, but if I am loving my children and not myself, I think I’m going to have to venture a little bit into those waters.
- I also need to be praying that God gives me wisdom to find godly friends in our new city and church.
More on this topic tomorrow.
Maya says
I’ll pray for you today about this, (I know you have written a “follow up” about this recently). It is a concern my husband and I have also.
Michelle says
Thanks, Maya! I know this will be an ongoing prayer request and need to trust God. I’m convinced though, that being on alert is better than being apathetic or oblivious to danger. So when I give thanks and ask for wisdom regarding friends, I’ll pray for you too!