One of the really great things about the God is that He used concrete ways to show us about Himself and the reality of the world around us. Because very young children are concrete thinkers, anyway, I’ve been thinking that one way we can talk about God’s Word is to show what the Bible says about those concrete things they’re interested in.
Sometimes that means actually creating experiences, or teaching them about the physical world, or nurturing an interest about something we find in the Bible. I’ve been working on this, and brainstorming what Scripture I can find that fits their interests.
For example, we’ve been feeding ants. Feeding ants sounds silly, I know, but last night I was able to say, “Did you know that God talks about ants in the Bible?” Then I briefly told them King Solomon tells us that nobody tells the ants what to do; they just do what they’re supposed to do. That’s why mommy is so happy when you show initiative and do right. End brief lecture. (Btw, initiative is a word I explain and use each time I see it happen.)
I need to look up bird verses, since David is interested in birds. What’s Bethel interested in? I hope I’m not ignoring her, but I can’t think of anything besides dollies and her tricycle. I suspect she’ll like the bird verses. I also started doing dirt experiments as part of “school time,” since many of his friends either attend school or preschool and we live in one of the best states for studying geology and rocks. Maybe at naptime we’ll read the parable of the soils.
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