In spite of my recognition that my children needed to learn repentance, and my desire to teach it, I haven’t taken the time to study on the matter.
Last night Lee had some work to do, so instead of pulling out a good book, the Lord gave me the grace to get started on studying repentance. I started with what I knew already about it. Repentance is defined as a change of mind that results as a change in action. We confess our sin (say the same thing about it that God says) and forsake it. Psalm 51 is a classic repentance chapter, and so is II Corinthians 7:8-16. I read these passages, looked up repentance in my Nave’s Topical Bible. These are great, convicting passages, and I wondered whether God really wanted me to study repentance for myself.
But here was also where I ran into trouble. I’m reading, wondering how I was going to explain these passages to David, let alone Bethel. Feeling quite a bit overwhelmed with the task, and still unsure of the best route to take, I sheepishly prayed, something I should have done first. I need wisdom to apply the Scripture to my children’s lives, to show them the Scripture and explain it.
I didn’t receive any flashes of light or instant inspiration. I suppose I need to keep reading and rereading. This morning I did take some time considering that at their young age, a Bible story might be the best way to teach them. Perhaps the prodigal son? the children of Israel? John the Baptist and the Pharisees? I guess I’ve got a block here, but I think I’m on the right track. I figure I’ll take some time this afternoon paging through some of their Bible story books for inspiration, too.
I’ll keep you posted.
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