We all want to be good moms. You know what good moms are like, don’t you? Good moms make all their perfectly balanced meals from scratch, plan exciting activities for their children, have an organized chore schedule in place that works well, and never raise their voices. You get the idea, right? But a good mom isn’t the same thing as a godly mom.
I can be a good mom without being a godly mom. I can expend all my energy trying to be a good mom and miss the most important part of all.
I think if I’m a godly mom, I’ll be a good mom. (although I think I might still struggle with an unrealistic ideal that’s impossible to achieve). Maybe I can say it like this: If I’m growing to be more Christlike as a mom, I’ll also be growing to be a better mom in general.
Just thinking. This is a warmup for a bigger post tomorrow.
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