Lee comes home tomorrow, so we’re on our way home today. I’m leaving some things I brought so I’ll only have one suitcase (plus the children’s small suitcases). I have yet to close the lid, so that should be a challenge.
The children have done great, but I think they all are looking forward to seeing Daddy. I have enjoyed being with my parents, but really, I think staying home wouldn’t have been bad. Last time Lee was gone I stayed home, and although it had different challenges, it was easier in some ways. Still, going home is good because you get a chance to see your family from your family’s eyes, since they’re the few people who will tell you what they think of your childrearing habits if you really want to know.
The kids never did go to bed well, not a one. Laurel is about to learn the meaning of no since she’s just about ready to crawl. Bethel is really doing much better about obeying these days. She still has her moments, but I’ve noticed a difference.
I didn’t get any help from my parents on dealing with Bethel’s preoccupied and carefree personality. They claim I wasn’t like that, but I think they’ve just forgotten. Meanwhile, she continues to need verbal feedback to help her follow through with obeying, she still carries her dinner plate in the wrong direction, and is often generally not paying attention to the world around her. She’s got something exciting going on in her head I’m sure, so it’s something I’ll be watching. For now, I’m just giving verbal reminders: look where you’re going, your glasses are on your head, what did mommy tell you to do? This seems to help.
I must return to my packing.
I’ve got a newly turned sixteen-year-old just like your daughter Bethel. Pick your adjective–Carefree, loving life, creative, . . .airheaded. . . Have fun the next few years!!
I need to get to know your daughter!
My mom first described Bethel as enthusiastic. 🙂 She truly does, whether laughing or crying, put 100% into life. One thing my mom emphasizes is that every personality characteristic can be a good, positive trait, or it can be a negative trait. I have to remember that. I wonder what the positive part of being clumsy is. I guess it is helpful in developing humility. 🙂