So last night I had accomplished much, so when I went to bed I got a Louis Lamour novel to read. Went to bed too late finishing it. I really needed to be reading my Bible, but I wanted “easy reading.”
This morning when I read Proverbs, I was reminded again how important wisdom is. I wondered, have I spent more time in God’s Word with Lee gone and my evenings free the last six months? I guess when I’m not reading Proverbs, I forget how much I need wisdom. I know it’s important, but I stay rather apathetic about it if I don’t read what Solomon says about it.
Lee and I were talking about how Solomon spends a large amount of time telling us how important and valuable wisdom was, even more than step-by-step instructions. The how-to parts are scattered throughout Proverbs. We get frustrated, rather like a patient irritated with a doctor for telling her the way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. We know that, but we don’t do it. We want an easier way. When it comes down to it, we do what it important to us. Maybe that’s why Solomon spends so much time trying to convince us that wisdom is important.
Today went well, maybe because I took some morning time to read my Bible (and to be honest that was probably because my computer wasn’t working and I couldn’t get online). I had some lapses, but God helped me finish with several things accomplished on my list of things to do before Lee gets home. Still need to seek the Lord. If wisdom is so important, why don’t I act like it?
Because I don’t really believe it’s important.
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