Bethel is at an age where she can be like a tornado: pull a few toys out, play with one for less than a minute, and go on to the next toy. Give her five or ten minutes alone, and she’s capable of mass destruction (so discouraging when Mommy has been diligent in keeping things clean).
It’s one of the reasons playing with her is so good (as opposed to reading a book or doing computer beside her while she plays). When she starts to go to another toy, I simply make sure she puts her previous toy away. I’m not concerned with the short attention span.
This morning, we played with puzzles. Now, Bethel is just learning how to put puzzles together. She’s not great at them (gets frustrated easily), but she sure does like to dump all the pieces out! Now, I don’t mind putting the pieces in for her (quickly!), so she can dump them out, but I do have her wait until one puzzle is put back together before we pull the next one out. I think that over time, the repetition will be profitable.
That is, if I don’t undo everything by not living what I teach… It all comes back to me, and since I can’t be the perfect mom, it all goes back to God and His mercy and grace. That’s where I need to be.
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