Does it matter where the Legos go?
I’ve been doing some brainstorming here, and I thought it may be helpful to be a little transparent about how we tackle daily decisions like these in light of biblical principles and the freedom God gives us as mothers and children with distinct personalities.
A couple principles that bear on the decision of where to put the legos:
I desire to have a clean house. It’s a large challenge for me, mostly because I am extremely distractible, get bogged down in making small decisions (like, what should I do with the unmatched socks today?), and have a predisposition for the sin of laziness. I can just about manage me, without my kids in the mix.
I highly value family together time. Even when we are pursuing different interests, it is good and healthy for us to be together and at times, interacting.
I try to keep alone time in a bedroom at a minimum. Sometimes children do need some alone time, but extended time alone tends toward lethargy and depression for some children. In addition, long periods of time alone without accountability can be a temptation for sin that is not helpful for children.
I have one son, and two daughters. My daughters can play together in their bedroom with more accountability and without being “alone.” Their needs are different than my son’s needs.
I do value a clean living room, and I already have several projects that are taking u living room space (not the least of which is our shell museum and gift shop). Sometimes Lee’s electronic projects sometimes end up on the dining room table, and if my brain needs something minute and absorbing, a thousand piece puzzle will keep our family from eating at the table until it is finished. There’s a lot of freedom in how we organize our living rooms. It’s interesting that the spiritual needs of our children intersect with mundane decisions like where the Legos go.
So, when David asked if he could keep his Legos in the living room, because he doesn’t really like to play with them in his bedroom, the decision isn’t too difficult. I am thankful for his desire to be with the family.
Now I have to figure out where they should go.
storage ottoman? you could even glue a lego board to the inside of the you could just turn it upside down when it’s time to put away….. or those bachelor coffee/dining tables, heh…. sorry i have exactly the same problem… i just got rid of a bunch of stuff because i realized if i want to spend time with my kids i’m not capable of managing them and lots of stuff.” Plus, the ‘more toys they had the more they were fighting over them!
Good ideas, Sharon. Mostly I just need to make it a priority and make it happen. I’m amazed at how often God gives insight that I’ve asked for, and then I take my time implementing it.