- Thou shalt not wake up children from their naps on Sunday afternoon.
- Thou shalt never demand feed your baby. Wait three hours or more, never fewer.
- Do not leave your baby sleeping if she has a wet diaper.
- Do not use suckers to keep children quiet. A calm instruction should be sufficient.
- Do not use television as a babysitter.
- Do not use time out.
- Do not say “Because I said so” when asked why.
- Do not use cans that go pop.
I think I can keep going. Maybe I’ll write more later, but since Lee is home today (because he was on call last week), I’m going to sign off and spend the time with family.
Glad I’m not the only one who has broken these laws! 🙂
Ditto numbers 1-8.
Hmmm…the only one I refuse to do is #1…and that’s purely for selfish reasons! 😛
Why should you wake a sleeping baby to change it’s diaper? I’m curious because diapers are so absorbent these days that it is designed to “pull the wetness” away from the baby.
3.Do not leave your baby sleeping if she has a wet diaper.
And “someone” told me this one was o.k.especially if they were someone else’s children….
4.Do not use suckers to keep children quiet. A calm instruction should be sufficient.
Brand new mothers are told to count their baby’s wet diaper to know if they’re getting enough milk. I knew several mothers who had continued to do this even when there was no longer a concern. It’s a good example of how a good thing can become mindless and unnecessary if we’re not careful. And suckers… I always bring extra suckers on airplanes to hand out. 😉 Love suckers.