After watching F-15s and F-117s flying overhead for awhile, David, Bethel, and I drove home. We told God thank you for sending us to New Mexico where we could see fighter jets every time we go grocery shopping (and often from our backyard).
Then I remembered Psalm 78– how parents are to tell their children about our wonderful God and His wonderful ways United States. So I took a moment to tell David that Mommy and Daddy didn’t ask to come to New Mexico. We wanted to go other places. But God knew what was best for us, even though we didn’t. He always does! He knew how much we would love it here (really, all of us!). The we talked about how King David tells us that we will be happy (blessed) if we trust in God’s goodness, and it reminded me that God will provide…. a church, a babysitter, friends for the kids, and all of our daily needs. How can Mommy worry about these things, when God has proven Himself to be allknowing and all-loving?
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