I have two for today:
- Time-out. Sure, I can see the ridiculousness of using time-out for every discipline situation, just as I can see the ridiculousness of using corporal punishment for every discipline situation. Time-out is actually an effective technique, and one that we use. But I’ve heard more than one pastor make fun of it, as though no good Christian should use time-out.
- “Use your words.” I’m not sure where I’ve heard this instruction made fun of, but I know I’ve heard it more than once. Bethel, on the other hand, is getting much practice “using her words” because of the teasing issues we’ve had with big brother. What else would you tell a child with a demonstrated ability to speak for herself in this situation? (I do help her out by giving her two- or three-word phrases to say, like “please stop” or “give back please.”) I think she might be getting it!
I wonder if I can think of any more…
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