David’s Sunday school class is starting a study in Mark. In children’s church, they are going through a survey of the Old Testament (a book a week, mostly, he says). On the way home from church, I asked him if he has been listening ahead of time to the book or chapter that he’ll be studying the next week. “I might,” he said. [herein is mother’s cue to back off]
Yesterday morning as I considered my Bible reading, I remembered that our Sunday school class is going through Hebrews, and I decided reading ahead would be good for me, too. When David came downstairs, I was finishing up the first chapter. “I decided I needed to be reading ahead, too.” [another low-key way to nudge a child is to talk about what God is teaching ME]
Reading Ahead is a good thing to do. I might not read ahead all the time, but for awhile, I’ll be in Hebrews. I’ll also be praying for my son.
I think I should do the same, and encourage Noah to be prepared as well… then maybe our two boys could encourage one another in their reading… and you and me… over coffee… 🙂