It’s easy when one’s life is feeling chaotic from several very young children to dismiss the need for Scripture. Doesn’t God have compassion on our situation? After all,
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. Isaiah 40:11
Yes, our God does have extra compassion of mothers with babies. At the same time, we still desperately need the nourishment of God’s Word, especially from the chaos. But what is a mother to do when she is barely coherent from a lack of sleep as she is pulled awake by the sounds of a crying baby, or children wanting breakfast and mother? When multiple children are vying for her correction, approval, help, and friendship, how can she have the quiet lengths of morning time she once enjoyed? With an unending source of dirty laundry, dishes, and clutter piling up, should I clean or read? Put another way, should I read my Bible when I already know what I am supposed to be doing this morning?
That’s a question I have wondered for many years. I chuckle about it now, because it reveals a misunderstanding that reading my Bible is solely about finding something God wants me to do. While I may already know what I am supposed to be doing, I still need to meet with God, to worship and learn more about Him. Paul says, “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection.” That’s not a passion to figure out what I should be doing next.
Press on! I had ten minutes of quiet this morning before my children all awoke. Tomorrow it might be fifteen. Having everything quiet is delightful, but reading while my children are playing isn’t bad either. Yes, I read the same passage multiple times before it registers in my brain. I still think there’s value in the attempt. I’ve figured out that I can concentrate better by listening to what I am reading. One of the links I’ve found recently is a chronological Bible reading plan, which I really enjoy (you can also find it by scrolling to the bottom of every page). I didn’t realize until later that there’s a “listen” button for each section. So I’ve found it useful to listen while I read, particularly when I am in the middle of chaos.
kelly says
Hi my friend-
I sat down to post something then figured I would put stamps on my Christmas cards while the girls nap, but after reading your post for today, I know what I have to do, or should i say- “get” to do! I am off to read the Word- I will go check out the Chronological reading for today you mentioned. Thanks for the nudge.
Michelle says
The nudging goes both ways, Kelly! More than once I have been challenged by your example. We all need nudges toward the Word of God, don’t we?
Gina says
I resonate terribly with the “reading several times before it registers in my brain” bit…lol! So frustrating. Thanks for the reminder, and the resource… 😀