The other day at breakfast, we had a good discussion about repentance. I was satisfied because first 1) I used the Psalm that I said I was going to, and second 2) Instead of focusing on David alone, I asked Bethel some questions that she actually answered, and 3) they seemed to understand some of it!
I reminded them that King David disobeyed God and killed somebody, but he didn’t confess right away. He covered up his sin. I asked them if they thought David was happy when he covered up his sin, or sad. Bethel guessed happy, and David guessed sad (tells you a little bit about their comprehension). I read the first few verses of the Psalm and explained that David was very unhappy, but when he asked God to forgive him, he felt happy.
I then made up a story about Suzi, who ate a cookie after her mommy told her not to. Then her mommy asked her if she ate a cookie. Here is where Bethel got interested.
I asked them what Suzi should tell her mommy. (this time, they both answered correctly) I asked a few more questions, and read the first few verses again.
God is good. He is helping them understand, and I was encouraged by their interest. So often, I don’t get any response, or I get a negative response. I’m trying to be faithful and limp along, but it’s really nice when God sends a gentle reminder that they are paying attention, and I will reap the consequences of faithfully teaching His Word.
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