There’s something exciting about God’s Sovereignty. I’m fairly passionate about giving our children as many different experiences as possible, to prepare them for however the Lord leads them. Right now, I want our children to experience as much of God’s creation as possible. Some experiences I can create, like a music class that I’ll be teaching this spring for preschoolers, or a number of long trips to visit a family with a well-behaved young boy David’s age.
And yet, I’m tickled by the thought that, even though I may take advantage of opportunities that God gives me, there are some I don’t have control over. At our last church, there were few children David’s age. David won’t know his Great Grandparents like I knew mine. Our home isn’t bilingual like some of my friends’ homes. Knowing that God’s hand directs in ways I cannot control is comforting, when I take the time to think about it. He places us in situations that give us just the opportunities our children will need to serve Him. We gave the military our top 20 choices for a base. God chose a base we knew nothing about. He knew we’d have the opportunity to go on day hikes nearly every weekend. He knew we’d become a part of church unlike any we’ve ever been to (in a good way!). God knew our son would become enamored with F-117 fighter jets flying overhead and rockets (big ones) launched on a regular basis nearby.
What does God have in store for us? for our children? I’m excited to think that the experiences God gives us are a part of who our children become. It’s comforting to remember that God has chosen not to give my children some of those experiences that I wish my they had (like knowing their grandparents or being in a church with a children’s choir).
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