It’s Wisdom Wednesday today, the day when I stop and consider what difference God’s Word is making in my life today. (And my life has been busy enough that I’m not posting until Saturday! Correction: I’ve been writing this post for two weeks. And I feel great that I actually did post on Wednesday Okinawa time.)
And truthfully, I could point to several discussions I’ve had with children about things like responsibility, integrity. We’ve talked about current events. We’ve talked about the need for pastors with integrity, and the limits of authority (spouses and pastors).
But have I been changed? Is Scripture doing the changing? Am I simply bumbling my way through the week trying to get all my work done, trying not to be lazy, attempting to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving? It it Scripture and the Holy Spirit that is motivating this change if I am not thinking about Scripture and the Holy Spirit? Is the time I’ve spent in the Bible actually making a difference? Honestly, I’ve not spent a lot of time in the Bible the last few weeks, and I can feel it. I’ve been reading the Bible when the kids are awake and distracting, and some days I’m more susceptible to distraction than others.
I could try to do everything right, and feel pretty good (or lousy) about how well I’m doing. So what makes me different than my secular friends who are also attempting to live a good life? In particular, how am I interacting with my children differently because of God’s Word? Just trying to get everything right isn’t “Christian” or “biblical.”
I wonder if I can be more at peace with my children, less worried or agitated, because of my relationship with God. At the end of the day, I give all the events to God and let him pick up all the loose ends and broken pieces. I’m glad I don’t have to carry the weight of my failures, and it’s a relief to hand them over intentionally. Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you. (I Peter 5:7) This has been Scripture that I’ve been intentionally obeying this week, but since it happens at the end of the day, I didn’t notice it at first.
In spite of my distraction, I can still pray, and that has been something I’ve increased lately. I always seem to get more distractible and more needy of prayer just before a move. (I’ve never noticed this pattern before. Interesting to me…)
How about you? What Scripture have you been meditating on, and when is it making a difference in your life?
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