I’m feeling a little hesitant about the decisions we’ve made in childrearing. Maybe I am too lenient. Maybe I should be disciplining more. Maybe… Maybe…
But then I am reminded (as also did my husband remind me)that God promises wisdom if we will seek Him. It doesn’t matter that I had a good example in my parents, helpful though that has been. My years growing up in church no doubt have influenced my approach. But these things are of no value if I do not walk with the Lord. And one who does not have the benefit of godly parents or a godly upbringing has the same resource I do– the Word of God.
I once talked with a mom about her son’s education. I had just completed extensive academic testing with him, and was discussing my recommendations with her. The mom tentatively mentioned what she had been doing with him, and then mentioned that a well-respected educator in the church had criticized her method. This mother, without a special ed degree, could not have known how appropriate were her actions. I believe God gave her the wisdom and the confidence to disagree with an “expert” for her child’s benefit.
I’ve seen God give wisdom to those who put Him first, who were willing to look for answers (the many parents I tested were looking for more guidance to make decisions), and who had a genuine walk with God. When their own relationship with God was their focus, He’s given them what they needed. Doesn’t this fit what we see in God’s Word? Watching these parents make decisions for their children gives me the confidence that God will lead me as He has led them.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Now, I just need to go get my Bible…. and obey the things I know I need to do….
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