This year for Thanksgiving, we didn’t have any verses to read aloud at the table. We didn’t take turns sharing what we’re thankful for (although we might do that another day). We didn’t read any Thanksgiving books this year (maybe next week). I didn’t have hors oeuvres that look like turkeys. We didn’t have Thanksgiving on the right day, and even though I might truly regret it, I forgot to have the guys get the camera or tripod ready and when we all sat down, I waved off the suggestion of pictures. Since I’m confessing, I also undercooked the turkey. White meat was perfect, dark meat was underdone.
We’ve done all of those thanksgiving activities in the past, but this year, Lee is in the middle of a busy month, and I decided I had one goal: for Lee to be able to spend the most time with his mom and dad, who came for a few days to visit. Lee’s mom has a disease called post cortical atrophy, and we’re thrilled with every moment we have with her.
Would all of the other activities have been good to do? Yep. We have done them before, and will do them again. But they didn’t get done last week, and grace upon grace, I’m thankful that the span of my life as daughter-in-law, wife, and mother is not defined by a single day. I’m so thankful that from year to year, I have freedom to adjust to the demands that are unique to that point in time.
It was a good Thanksgiving.
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