A few nights ago, my youngest came to talk with me after bedtime and told me she was having a hard time going to sleep. She said she was afraid, and she didn’t know how not to be afraid.
We talked a little bit about God’s plan for us that we would fill our mind with good and beautiful thoughts, and how that helps us go to sleep at night. I challenged Laurel to make a picture in her mind of something beautiful to think about as she was going to sleep.
She said, “I could draw a picture!” Great idea. I gave her a clipboard and paper, and she got her colored pencils and went happily to bed. In the morning, she brought her picture and asked if we could put some Bible verses with the pictures. She’s been using her copy of Bible Topics for Kids to find good verses for her pictures.
Each night she’s been drawing pictures, and telling me the verses she has in mind for the pictures. I told her when she got thirty pictures I’d make them into a book for her. (I have been scanning the pictures as she colors them.)
I am super excited about the results, and I really think she’s going to have that book soon! All the work has been her own, except a couple times when I have made some suggestions for topics (She drew a picture of two girls trading gifts, and I suggested she look up “Kindness” verses.)
What a great idea!