For some reason all three of our young children seem to be excessively emotional lately. What’s the problem? I think part of the problem is developmental. I can think of a number of factors for all three children (ages four, two, and one):
- Young children fatigue more frequently
- They haven’t learned how to respond to their own emotions
- They aren’t all that great at communicating
- They’re sinners who haven’t learned that being selfish isn’t pleasant for them or others
- They do not have the Holy Spirit helping them to do right
Lately, all the crying of all three has been taking its toll on me. I’m weary of being a broken record. I’m weary of unchanged hearts. I find myself getting irritated (read: angry) quickly. I’m also a bit fearful that the problem is me. Am I coddling them, or contributing to the problem in some other way?
What should I do? My first reaction is that I need to get away. I have an opened bag of 60% cocoa Ghiradelli chocolate chips in the cupboard, and those always make me feel better. Maybe I should send all the children outside, or put them all in their bedrooms. Maybe I need to find a babysitter and spend an afternoon at the spa, without any cares to distract me from relaxing. After all, doesn’t everyone tell me that I deserve a break, some time for myself?
Actually, although some of those responses might be good ones (the chocolate is sounding really spiritual right now), what I really need is the restorative waters of God’s Word. That’s what I’m going to do right now.
Personally, I like to eat swedish fish while reading the bible. 🙂
I love chewy, fruity candy, too! I could devour an entire large package of strawberry licorice in the course of grading a stack of papers. It’s my candy of choice for concentrating. 🙂 Chocolate, though, seems to affect the emotions more for me.
Wow, I can definitely relate to this post! My middle two have been exceptionally whiny and crying recently. *sigh* (Probably because Mom has been so busy with seminary stuff! Eep.) I hear you with the society-driven “me”-time ploys…it’s a temptation, and one that I used to swear helped me cope (in their younger, even whinier days!), but lately, I’ve found that getting my house in order really helps. “Kids are whiny, but the closet it clean! Yes!” lol Could be time change coming up, too…(this one’s the pits!)
Let the record show though, that I don’t think time alone is always selfish and inappropriate. I have indeed sent all my awake children to play in their bedrooms on occasion. And yep, a clean house can get a lot of mileage in the motivation department. as for time change… check out stellarium dot com. (I’ve been trying to think of how I could post that link and make it spiritual. I’m much obliged. lol)