For a long time, I have always felt a bit sheepish when all the Type A mothers start talking about their Christmas traditions. Our Christmas schedule is always different, thanks to the military and hospital schedules. When I’ve thought about Christmas traditions, nothing seemed to fit my personality and life. Furthermore, every time I think about starting a tradition, it feels artificial and awkward, so instead we’ve been waiting to see what traditions our lives develop naturally.
Last year, since Lee was working at the hospital on Christmas day, we took pancake fixings and made pancakes for the NICU staff. Apparently that idea struck a chord with the kids. They are pretty proud of their dad’s buttermilk pancakes (especially remarkable since in Okinawa we have to culture our own buttermilk), and a few weeks ago, they declared that making pancakes at the hospital was a tradition.
This morning, the kids woke up at 4:30am, helped us pack the car with all the pancake fixings, and cheerfully helped serve the NICU staff. Then we came home and opened presents.
I like starting our Christmas morning with giving. I love that the kids are the ones who made sure it happened. If I were going to plan a tradition, a giving one would be my first choice. I’m thankful for God’s loving provision, and his reminder that he is actively involved in my children’s lives.
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