Yesterday, Bethel wanted to know why she had to take a nap.
I told her she needed one. End of discussion. 🙂
Not really. Actually, I explained that Bethel needs naps because sleep is a gift from God that will help her do right. I told her that as she was at that moment, she was whiny and complaining. Going to sleep would help her choose not to be whiny and complaining.
I could say this because God is helping me to see the importance of going to sleep when I am able and needing to. When I do this, I’m not making provision for my flesh, and I’m using a God-given resource for fighting my sinful desires.
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. Romans 13:14
Now I need more wisdom. Bethel asked if she could go without a nap. I told her if she could do right without a nap then she could go without one. I am not sure I want to do this experiment, since I already know the outcome. I suppose we’ll wait and see.
Monica says
this made me smile and chuckle, because I feel like Sloane asks me the same question, without using words yet. She will sit in her crib and say “up, up”, as if she wants to be picked up when I put her down for her nap.
I know what you mean, though. Sometimes, when the Lord provides time for us to rest, we get busy with other things, Internel, cleaning, phonecalls, and all we really need is a good nap. I hope you get that rest today, Michelle. God bless you as you labor with love today.
Laura Weimer says
I’ve never had much luck with letting my children “choose” a nap or not since they ALWAYS choose no nap and ALWAYS still end up whiny and then I’m left with no alternative but to discipline which makes them more whiny and I end up giving them the nap anyway but now it’s later in the day and makes it harder to go to bed at night. Sorry I’m being such a downer. Maybe there is someone out there for whom that has worked. I tell them they can choose not to sleep but they must stay in bed for the allotted time anyway, so they might as well sleep and be happy and not get disciplined rather than spend all that time in bed only to get disciplined later for being whiny! That has worked fairly well. Thanks for the reminder to listen to ourselves complain and whine!