I posted this about a year and a half ago. “Why” questions are good for me to initiate, because my kids tend to keep their questions inside. I’d like to deliberately think of some more questions along these lines. This one is a good question to ask, and I think I’ll ask it again, and see what kind of a response I get. I’ll keep you posted.
Why do we pray for our food? I was reading the Lord’s prayer this morning and asked this question of my children. Here is what I told them:
We tell God thank you for our food because Jesus tells us to pray each day (“this day” “daily bread”) for our needs.
And I’m reminding myself that this is why I must pray each day for wisdom and strength to be the Christian, wife, mom that He wants me to be. Sometimes I forget to ask (evidence of too much self-reliance).
[…] I faithfully asked my children why we pray for our food, as I mentioned in this last post. […]