A conversation today on the way to church:
Laurel: Why are we going to church?
Me: Because we like to. We like to pray to God with others. [Our church prays together nearly the entire midweek service.]
Bethel: I don’t like to pray to God.
Me: That’s because you don’t know Him yet.
This is a fascinating conversation to me, because I’ve always been under the assumption that children who grow up in Christian homes pretty much love God, church, and the Bible from the time they’re born. It’s what they’re used to, right?
Maybe in other families, but in our family, our children like church, sure, but it seems to be more because their friends are there than they really enjoy spiritual things. And more often than not, if you ask them if they love God, they’ll tell you no. Interesting. Maybe that’s because they’re not saved yet.
I liked your answer Michelle. I’m usually more inclined to make my children feel somehow less then when they don’t show enthusiasm for our “bible time”. Perhaps I need to do something less formal. That will require much more effort and discipline on my part…..usually something good for me. Thanks for the insight.
I’m curious because I think the covenant position might not be comfortable with my explanation of why they’re not interested in spiritual things. What do you think?
There is that aspect of being under the covenant of parents, but there is also the idea that it is dangerous to provoke a confession out of your child that is maybe not truly sincere or genuine. As far as I understand it, there is not a hard and fast guarantee that a covenant child will be regenerated. Perhaps I’m mistaken, or not a true covenanter. I have a stronger hope, but until they are regenerate, they are in rebellion to God. It is when they HS begins his work on their heart they are able to begin questioning their sinful actions and what that all means. I am encouraged when Caleb feels and desires to not sin because then I know the HS is at least working on his heart. I feel discouraged when I see him harden him heart to the Spirits prodding and that’s when I try to force the remorse…in which case I think it might be better to say what you did. With him it’s difficult because he says he has prayed to ask Jesus into his heart but there is very little fruit.
As I’m thinking, there is is some disagreement even among “covenant” believers as to the meaning of “covenant children”. I found this site helpful in distinguishing differences. http://www.prca.org/pamphlets/pamphlet_51.html