I’ve been thinking about the last few months and realized that I’ve not had many serious breakfast conversations with my children. Some of the lack is that Lee was home a good bit during the holidays, and some is just that I’ve not remembered to talk then. I realized recently that one reason I’ve not been talking as much is that I’ve not been eating breakfast with the children as much.
As they get older, they’re doing better at eating without as much supervision. That’s progress, and it does mean I can get things clean while they eat, although I’m not sure that i want to give up my breakfast time just yet. I also have found that I’m not eating as well.
Awhile back I mentioned my desire for happy talk (but not excessive silliness) at the table. I became aware today of a paradox. I want children to talk and be happy, but when they do I’m telling them to stop talking and start eating! What’s a mother to do?
I think I’m going to have to mentally allow some inefficiency as they eat.
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