This morning after breakfast, we talked again about prayer.
We talked about our upcoming move to Virginia (not Hawaii as we had been told). And the children were asking about our new house. Are we going to live on base? Can I have a room of my own? Do you think there will be a tree for climbing? and flowers? I really hope there is a basement where I can put a workshop.
I told them that I wasn’t sure where we were going, but that they could pray about all those things. God already knows where we’ll be. They looked at me a little funny. They’ve been told that God is not like Santa Claus, and frankly, I’ve got some un-learning to help them through. They’re so afraid of treating God like Santa Claus that they are afraid to ask for anything, it seems.
Look, God tells us to cast our cares on him. He tells us to ask for the things we desire. Shouldn’t we obey him? (Luke 11:13; 1 John 5:14-15)
And then we finish and say, “God, you know what is best, and we will trust you and be thankful whatever you give us.”
That’s exactly what I wanted to teach them. We went around the table and I asked them to tell me some of their hearts’ desires, and then I asked them to take turns and tell God what they wanted, and then finish by saying thank you, and I will trust you no matter what. I took my turn. It took some humility to pray in front of my children some of the desires of my heart. It shouldn’t surprise us that children ask for little things that seem to be unworthy of our great God, but he is the one who said “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” Their requests will mature as they mature!
Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. Luke 22:42
P.S. My friend Gab is thinking about these things, too. You will like her thoughts.
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