Can I be both Mary and Martha at the same time?
I’ve been diligent this week. My closet is clean, the yard is looking great, I’ve been getting rid of clutter. I’ve even had time to get out my cookbooks (if you know me, that’s a good sign that ducks are getting in a row).
But as I asked myself how Scripture has been changing me, I draw a blank. I’ve been reading the Bible, enjoying it. I’ve marveled at God’s greatness and majesty. I’ve praised God for his work in my life. But I’ve not been considering how what I’m reading should change what I’m doing TODAY. Sadly, it’s not because I haven’t had any challenges.
I’ve been irritable all week. Why couldn’t I have sat down and considered God’s Word on the matter? How long would it take to remind myself about anger? the fruit of the Spirit? repentance?
Here’s the important question: Does that mean that all the work I’ve been doing has been “in my own strength” (i.e., not walking in the spirit)? After all, if I’m walking in the spirit and cleaning, then I probably will be patient and longsuffering too, right? I’ll be humble and loving? That is a convicting thought. I want to be disciplined AND walking in the spirit, and I think I’ve not been doing that.
This is why I try to discipline myself on Wednesdays to talk about how I am attempting to obey Scripture in specific occasions during that week. Without the constant scrutiny, I don’t do as well. Tomorrow I’m going to spend some time thinking about these things. I’ll tell you what I learn and remember.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-25
Can’t wait to hear your “thoughts”. I love reading your blog because it helps me stop and “think” and remember what the point of it all is.