Lately I’ve been thinking about how I teach my children to actually use the Scripture they’ve been memorizing. So I’ve been asking a lot, “How do you do that?”
For example, Laurel was devastated when I told her she could not use some particular markers at a particular time. Since I was working on a Ladies Bible Study lesson where the theme verse was Psalm 55:22—Cast your burden upon the Lord, I sang her a song I learned long ago for that verse. I told her that I had to cast my burdens on the Lord, too.
Then I asked—How can you cast your burden on the Lord? She said, “I don’t know.” We talked about what each word meant, cast, burden, sustain. We prayed together, and I helped her cast her burden on the Lord. It was a good conversation.
I’ve also asked my older children—
- How do you overcome evil with good?
- How does a soft answer turn away wrath?
- How do we delight in the law of the Lord?
- How can we seek the kingdom of God? What shall we do today?
Partly in response to this last question, I’m considering setting apart some morning time to collectively and individually read our Bibles. I’m very hesitant to force spiritual expression, but I’d like to be walking them through the process of seeking first the kingdom of God.
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