I’m not even thinking spiritual thoughts for my kids right now…
Laurel Nicole Brock arrived a few weeks early (long tortured story). My mom just left today. We’ll see how my sanity holds with three children. Guess God know I needed to depend on Him just a little bit more, eh?
Let’s see… spiritual thoughts…
On the way back from the airport, while the children were listening to Christopher Churchmouse (and understand very little of it, really), I was pondering the verse we are reviewing with David: Ephesians 4:32. Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
Here’s what I was thinking: Christ hasn’t forgiven my children. As yet, they are unregenerate sinners. Whether you want to argue that they’re not “accountable” yet, or not, this is not really a valid motivation for being kind for my children.
Could I “hide” this part of the verse from my children until they accept Christ as their Savior? Then would it have more potent meaning than if they spent the next few years glibly repeating these meaningless words? I don’t know. Then I wondered how many songs we teach children that they sing that do not apply to them yet. Maybe I’m being too analytical…
I don’t think I’ll avoid these portions of the Scripture. I suspect when God truly saves my children, the Holy Spirit will bring these phrases to light, and give them life. At the same time, I do want to be careful that I do not assume their salvation, either by my words to them, prayer for them, verses or songs I teach. I’ll have to think about this some more.
Hey sis…I’ll be interested in your blog…hope you are feeling well…