Tonight in church we sang “Holy, Holy, Holy.” That’s a song we sing a lot at our house, and all three of my children were singing it (well, Laurel was just making noise, but the other two were actually singing the words).
It was convicting to notice the energy they sang when they actually knew the song, convicting because I realize how inconsistent I am in teaching them hymns. So this week and next I’m going to work on a hymn.
I’m sometimes surprised (and a little disappointed) to see so little interest and understanding of spiritual things, yet they both sing when they know the song. Maybe I can use music deliberately, not just to teach them good songs, but to actually lay a foundation for understanding salvation. So, here’s my question. If you were going to make a hymn “Romans Road,” what five (or thereabouts) songs would you teach? I promise not to complain about difficult vocabulary if you contribute. 😀
I don’t know if you are familiar with the Awana program, but their preschool level (cubbies) teaches salvation principles and as I remember they sold a cd of songs to go along with it. My oldest two kids were involved in it, so it has been a while since I have seen it. But, it would be worth a look up.
Thanks, Shelley. I haven’t seen the music CDs. I’ll take a look.
Michelle, the Cubbies CDs Shelley mentioned are made up the verses the kids memorize each week – set to music. We have the CDs for both books. I can e-mail you a song, if you’d like a listen. They’re very simple.
Wow…a Top Five for Hymns, eh? I love it! Here are some that I’ve taught my kiddos – inadvertently or not. lol Some of them we’re still learning to sing corporately:
1. Jesus Is All The World To Me
2. Fairest Lord Jesus
3. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (I know! I know! But I was hooked when I heard the tiny kids of a PCA pastor-family in Napa belt out the words to this song in a parade. *grin*)
4. O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
5. Come, Christians, Join To Sing
I love hymns. 😀 And I always stick out like a sore thumb in my generation. LOL! One of my all-time favorites is “Come Thou Fount”. I’d love to teach it to my kids, as well, it’s a great “teaching” hymn. “Tune my heart to sing thy praise.” “Bind my wandering heart to Thee.”
Thanks for your comments, Gina. I like your hymn choices. I’m still thinking on this (see today’s post), so I’m glad you weighed in.