When do you pray for your children’s future? Do you have a disciplined regular time? Do you pray for them when they obey, are unselfish and kind?
I find I pray when they’re being bad and I’m wondering what the future may hold for them. 🙂 I’m not disciplined about praying for my children like I should be, and I pray for them when I think about it. And some days they get more prayer than others!!
I find I pray for them when I’m exasperated by them and their behavior and i don’t know which way to turn. I too am wondering about their future. I have found some peace lately about not connecting too strongly their current behavior and what they will be like at 20. There’s a lot of room for change. : )
I usually pray as I am putting Sloane to bed or when I am on my walk. I know what you mean though; disobedience is always a reminder to pray!
Monica— you’re reminding me that I do pray for my kids at other times. Those are good times when we’re naturally thinking about our children. Maybe we should start a list.