Today I was praying that God would give me wisdom, that I would know what I’m doing wrong in a few situations (because I’m feeling woefully clueless).
Then it hit me that I can pray to be a good mom, but if I’m not willing to act on what he’s already told me to do to be a good mom, then praying isn’t enough.
It’s a good start, though. 🙂
So today I spent a long time working on memorizing Philipians while the kids slept. I’m figuring out that I can’t memorize effortlessly any more. I have to actually do it on purpose, and work at it. But when I consider that I can easily waste an hour looking at blogs and news and other internet things, then an hour of memorizing something shouldn’t be so hard.
Besides, it’s a good thing to think about. Today my motivation came from listening to Laurel rehearse her memory verse from Sunday school. She said it over and over. She wanted to say it to Grandma and Grandpa.
And being a servant— Jesus told us we would be happy when we actually followed his lead in putting aside our desires for others. That example is set forth eloquently in Philippians 2.
Sometimes obeying God means going to bed and trusting in him. As Laurel said over and over today,
[Casting all your care on him, for] he careth for you. I Peter 5:7
I find I even have difficulty reading long passages of the Bible, whereas I used to be able to read nonstop. I’ve recently started reading some lightweight recreational books (The Hobbit, Lemony Snickets, etc.) and ironically, it’s helping me get back in the habit of focusing my mind on printed text, so I had to smile in recognition at your mention of “memorizing on purpose.” This must be what happens when we have many tinies and so many not-so-tiny demands on our time! I’m praying that God will redeem my brain cells, and I’m hoping he can use them for His glory one day…lol…as He’s using yours! 😀
Thanks for the encouragement Gina. I’ve been meditating on Hebrews 6:10– God will not forget.