For awhile, I want to make a habit of devoting Wednesdays to talking about how the Scriptures have made a specific difference in my life or the lives of my children. I’m going to try not to be too abstract, and I’m going to try to limit my posts to Scripture I’ve already used this week.
Here is my verse for Wisdom Wednesday. It’s one I’ve been reading and thinking about for me, and God brought it to mind during a teaching opportunity with my children.
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. Proverbs 28:13
Yesterday morning, both of my children asked for apples for a snack, but ate merely a few bites. So at lunchtime, I gave them their apples and told them they must finish their apples before I gave them the rest of their lunch.
As I was making their sandwiches, I heard a small voice say, “Hide your apple.” I calmly put down my knife full of peanut butter, and sat down in the chair between the two children. I asked the offending child what he had just told his sister. Demonstrating a superb skill in evasiveness, he insisted he was telling the truth. Finally, I asked his sister (guilelessly hiding the apple), what did your brother tell you to do?
Of course, she repeated his words perfectly.
I don’t know how well I did explaining Proverbs 28:13. I suspect I went into lecture mode too quickly (which is easy to do with a preschooler). I did ask him what Adam and Eve did when they sinned (they hid), and I asked him if he remembered how happy David was when he asked God to forgive him (from Psalms 51 and 32). Then I told him when we repent and ask God to forgive us, we will find mercy. I could have asked him what mercy meant, since he’s been studying this concept in children’s church. Maybe this lesson would have been better had I given consequences for the lie (not for telling his sister to lie, but covering up when I asked him about it), but I still feel like I hadn’t given enough instruction on this area (lying just doesn’t come up all that often for us at the moment).
That’s all for Wisdom Wednesday. If you’d like to join in the fun, feel free to use the wisdom graphics on your own blog, and leave a comment or link so we can all be encouraged by what God is doing in your own life. Hopefully I’ll have some specific help with the code next week when my webmaster has more time. Thanks to Melita Matzko who did the superb wisdom graphics.
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